ATTENTION: Do you transport to and from Manheim?

Manheim Auction ‘Hand-Shake’ Deals

Dear Carrier Partners,

We are finding that some carriers are transporting vehicles out of Manheim auctions without proper paperwork. This means that auctions may be erroneously dispatching cars through ‘hand-shake’ deals instead of using the Ready or Manheim systems. Since these vehicles are not in our system, they are being transported without our knowledge and without documentation. These transports are not approved and thus carriers who complete undocumented requests are not eligible for payment. Since there is no paper trail of this ‘transport’ we don’t have proof that the vehicle(s) have been transported or that they were dispatched by Ready. Furthermore, lack of proper documentation puts all the risk and liability onto you should something go wrong during transport. We simply can not protect you without proof of dispatch in the system.

If you are asked to transport a vehicle from the auction that has not been dispatched to you in the Ready Logistics system or if there is no proper paperwork provided by Manheim, do not accept it. Proper paperwork includes a transport order that provides the rate, origin, destination, and full VIN. ​​​​The Ready Logistics Transport Agreement explicitly states that without proof of transport, meaning a transport order, bill of lading, or any other documentation with the information listed above you will not be paid.

Repeat offenses of these types of transports will likely result in account suspension or deactivation.

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